WHO deploys 39 personnel to control cholera outbreak in Adamawa
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has deployed 39 personnel to Mubi
North and Mubi South local government areas of Adamawa to control a
recent outbreak of cholera in the state, an official said.
Charity Warigon, the WHO Communications Officer, said in a statement
in Abuja on Monday that as of May 26, about 434 cases of cholera had
been reported in the area, leading to 13 deaths.
Mrs Warigon said that the personnel deployed would help coordinate
partners’ response to the outbreak, support case management,
surveillance and contact tracing of suspected cases to guide
She said that WHO was also concluding plans to engage additional 15
ad-hoc personnel who would support efforts at ensuring the outbreak did
not spread to other locations.
“The outbreak has necessitated the health authority to activate an
Emergency Operations Centre for concerted response and rapid
“The transmission rate of the on-going cholera outbreak in Adamawa is indeed worrisome.
“Notwithstanding, WHO is leveraging on its past experience and
lessons learnt in controlling major cholera outbreaks in Internally
Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps.
“In response to the outbreak, the organisation has designated a cholera treatment centre at General Hospital, Mubi.
“This will rapidly interrupt transmission; we are already seeing results as the number of cases have been declining.”
She said that house-to-house sensitisation and awareness campaigns
among traditional and religious leaders on the risk of cholera, were
being undertaken by WHO to prevent its spread.![](https://cat.fr.eu.criteo.com/delivery/lg.php?cppv=1&cpp=tAKHYXxWMDU3ZHFkSEVQS1MwTnFaSHg4RTBVTEVxUjVhWjBrcjhRdy9idlZOVUlPL1hrdXk3WHVPQlArSHJWMHhrYWNzR0xURlprTWl3OHM5Y3dxdTVkQ3FjdUtqKzJpdGJEdTVoQkx6K3JvSFEwWThQVnBObjdEOXpGeE5BNTRqRnJEcHZINlVBZFA2ZzhmNXhTZ3ZuUTR0WHBRQ2x1RGdSQ010cVp0U3MvR3ViVmJId01iOVV1SmFjWUExMWNKS3l4eStLSER5dDU1UVFLaVd5VFM3UFV4d2IxTHgxRlI5a29xZXdLdTFuL2ZrMGZTOEYvSU1CdFVYUGo4Zzg3NkYxVDkrfA%3D%3D)
she said that cholera was easy to treat but could also kill quickly
if not treated promptly and called for more efforts by all to prevent
original Story on Premium time
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