Dealing with female genital mutilation
Dealing with female genital mutilation
Though still practiced in more than 28 countries in Africa and a few scattered communities worldwide, the burden of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is seen in Nigeria, Egypt, Mali, Eritrea, Sudan, Central African Republic, and Northern part of Ghana where it has been an old traditional and cultural practice of various ethnic groups. FGM is also said to persist amongst immigrant populations living in Western Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand,
As reported in the NDHS, 45 out of every 100 adult women living in Lagos State for instance have undergone FGM at one time or another. This is largely due to migration from those states where the prevalence is much higher.
It is a sad irony that the southern states that have higher literacy levels are also the most involved in this primitive socio-cultural practice. Reasons range from a belief that it reduces sexual desire and promiscuity; promotes chastity and helps young ladies attract husbands early. It is also wrongly ascribed to religious beliefs and traditional norms of female rites of adulthood. This has regrettably done more harm than good.
Positive side of the advocacy to stamp out the scourge is the buying-in of policy makers and influencers especially in the recent time. In most states today, wives of our governors are the faces of the fight against the scourge. This is to tell us that we are not in a hopeless situation of totally eradicating the barbaric women violation.
From informed religious perspective, none of the three main monotheistic faiths – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – prescribe female circumcision. Even if they do, should religion be indifferent to a cruel and barbaric practice? Evidently, proof people hold on to as religious verdict to engage in the practice is also rooted in culture and not divine injunction per se. Meanwhile, culture itself, is not static but it is in constant flux, adapting and reforming. In other words, man creates culture in the first instance before culture started to create man.
Medical experts and studies by WHO, UNICEF and other world bodies assert that, unlike male circumcision, FGM has no medical benefits whatsoever. On the other hand, says the UN Population Fund, “FGM does irreparable harm. It can result in death through severe bleeding, pain and trauma and overwhelming infections.” WHO adds that it also results in problems with urinating, could cause cysts, infections, infertility and complications in childbirth. “Women with FGM are significantly more likely than those without FGM to have adverse obstetrics outcomes including prolonged or obstructed labour, obstetric fistula, postpartum (after delivery) haemorrhage and extended maternal hospital stay.
The way forward is usage of communication for development. There is need to resort to and prioritize reverse flow of communication. People should be ready to change their behaviour when they understand the hazards and indignity of harmful practices and when they realize that it is possible to give up harmful practices without giving up meaningful aspects of their culture.
The state governments should begin to pursue FGM eradication measures with as much vigour as the polio immunization programme. States and local governments where in existence should urgently revive the primary health care system and eliminate the local, untrained mutilators who use unsanitary tools to harm our girls in the name of circumcision. Elimination of local and untrained mutilators however requires provision of alternative source of livelihood.
Parents and guardians should be made to be aware and understand that FGM has no single health benefit, but often condemns women to sexual frustration when married. Ending FGM lies in usage of multi-disciplinary approach which must involve legislation, partnership between state and communities, professional health organizations, women empowerment and public sensitization. Most importantly, let the desired attitudinal change begin from the communities.
by Rasak Musbau
Lagos State Ministry of Information and Strategy, Alausa, Ikeja.
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